Transition at age Three

Once a child reaches the age of three, any needed services are provided by the local school district.  This is one of the first big transitions in a young child’s life and a significant one for their families.  Services may be provided in the home, but many times, any needed services are provided in the child’s neighborhood school.   This is a big change for families that are used to having services provided in the home, where they can see what is being worked on, how the child responds, and be an active participant in their child’s success.  When services move to a school-based setting, the family may feel as if they no longer have an active part in their child’s education.  It is important for the family to feel empowered throughout this process.  This starts once the family agrees to meet with a representative from the 3-5 program.  It is imperative that the early intervention program facilitator (usually the family service coordinator) help the family navigate the process and ensure that the family feels fully informed and comfortable about every step of the process. 

The Kansas Inservice Training Service has excellent transition information on their website. Please go to: Transition C to B | Kansas Inservice Training System (  and scroll down to Understanding Transition Process. This resource has extensive information about what transition is, what your role is (whether you are a parent or provider), how to have a successful transition, as well as additional resources for families.

The Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center, or ECTA, provides links to articles pertaining to the transition process.  They can be found here: ECTA Center: Transition from Part C to Preschool

Families Together prepared a handbook in called "Step Ahead at Age Three".  You will find it below. It's a wonderful resource for families to use as they navigate this transition.